I am a designer with 20 years of experience in brand and product design.
I have extensive experience in prototyping, testing, future visioning and strategy development. I focus on creating successful products that drive growth.

I write about design, product growth, team facilitation and methods that enable and support self-managed teams (in short: teamwork), and occasionally AI.
‘Prove it’ and other curses
If you had the power to ban any term from meetings, which one would you choose? Roger Martin from Ideo suggests banning: “Prove it.” The people who use it believe they are being responsible and protecting the company from untested ideas and perhaps deadly risks.…
How to create distrust (hint: we’ve all done it)
Sometimes what you don’t do is more important than what you do. In the workplace, our attempts to build trust usually fail because we get stuck in an endless cycle of mistrust. So here’s the “how” and “how not” ?.
Building trust in (remote) teams
We often think of trust as transactional and place it somewhere between autonomy and control. We strive to remove vulnerability from the equation as it feels too personal and intimate to use in a professional setting.